Bulgarian Yoghurt : The Bulgarian Secret of Eternal Youth - cryptflyer

Bulgarian Yoghurt : The Bulgarian Secret of Eternal Youth

A youthful face is actually easy to achieve. But with a note, it is obtained from various businesses, one of which is sports. In fact, according to data taken from the Mover Online Survey in March 2022, more than 45% of people are aware that exercise is the best way to maintain youthful skin. 

Unfortunately, in second place, more than 18% of people have not made any effort to slow down the appearance of signs of aging. Remember that a youthful appearance is not achieved only by prayer. 

Apart from exercise, skincare routines also play an important role as anti-aging action. More than that? It's a good idea to copy the secrets of eternal youth of the Bulgarians, or rather the inhabitants of the Rhodope mountains. 

This mountainous area in southern Bulgaria is famous for its healthy, long-lived and youthful inhabitants. An interesting fact, Central Rhodope is known as the area with the highest 100 year old population in the world. Well, if the body is healthy and youthful, it is possible that our age will be longer.

Actually, the way they still look young is very simple, that is, to live independently and not be stressed. Including because you live in a mountainous area, the clean air really helps maintain skin condition. They also adopt a healthy diet by regularly consuming Bulgarian yogurt. What's so special about Bulgarian yogurt compared to other types of yogurt? 

As little information, the first yogurt-making bacterial culture was discovered in 1905 in Bulgaria by Dr. Stamen Grigorov and named Lactobacillus bulgaricus. 

Nobel laureate, Dr. Ilya Mechnicov, then proved that there was a correlation between the benefits of Bulgarian yogurt and the longevity of the inhabitants of the Rhodope mountains. So that in its development, Bulgarian yogurt is known as a "miracle food" and has become a delicious staple food in Bulgaria.

It's possible to achieve the youthful look of a Bulgarian, as easy as adding Bulgarian yogurt to your daily diet. All the benefits and goodness of this yogurt can be obtained from Bulgarian Yogurt. 

Made from fresh milk from exclusive cow farms, Bulgarian Yogurt uses the original Bulgarian Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria culture. There are three choices of flavors, namely original, strawberry, blueberry, and orange (which one do you like?). 

No less important, Bulgarian Yogurt does not use preservatives and artificial sweeteners. Perfect for living a healthy diet. Want to stay young, don't forget to drink yogurt.


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